Established in 1963, the Herbert Palmer Gallery exhibits work of master American, European, Latin American and Asian artists. As Los Angeles' oldest Modern and Contemporary international gallery, it was an important catalyst in the California scene as it developed in the early 1960's.
Today, the gallery's focus is on Twentieth Century Modernist art. Recently we are offering works by Henri Matisse, Carl Holty, Wolfgang Paalen, Lee Mullican, Shoichi Ida, Claus Oldenburg, Christo, Jose Luis Cuevas, Kenneth Noland, Morgan Russell and many others.
Keywords: American, European, Latin American, Asian Art, Twentieth Century Modernist, Abstract Expressionist, Expressionism, Pop, Modernism, Painting, Sculpture, Print, Drawing, Photography, Surrealism, Surrealist, Matisse, Holty, Paalen, Mullican, Ida, Oldenburg, Christo, Cuevas, Noland, Russell